Tutor's Office SETM Monthly Fee Schedule

Tutor's Office SE TM is a subscription-based service with charges based on your actual usage. Your monthly fee is strictly based on the number of students enrolled in classes in that month.

You don't pay for students not enrolled in classes - however, all features are available and you will have access to everything we have to offer regardless of your school size. For example, if you have 125 students, but only 50 took classes in a particular month, you will pay for only those 50 - $45. It is that simple. There are no long-term commitments. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Please see Monthly Fee Schedule details below. The enrolled student count is taken seven days before the last day of each month. Your invoice will be sent to you for review before your account is actually charged.

Enrolled Students 0-25 $ 35

Enrolled Students 26-50 $ 45

Enrolled Students 51-100 $ 75

Enrolled Students 101-200 $ 90

Enrolled Students 201-500 $ 120

Enrolled Students 501-1000 $ 150

Enrolled Students 1000+ Contact us for a quote